Next KFO 296 Seminar:
Biweekly on Tuesdays ONLINE (for registration please contakt [email protected])
KFO Project 1 Manuel Friese, Stefan Gold
T cell diversity and plasticity during pregnancy and their contribution to multiple sclerosisi disease activity
KFO Project 2 Gülsah Gabriel, Petra Arck, Hans-Willi Mittrücker
Influenza during pregnancy
KFO Project 5 Petra Arck, Dimitra Zazara
Prenatal stress challenge in mice, the role of verically transmitted maternal glucocorticoids and immune cells in modulating offspring
KFO Project 6 Gisa Tiegs
Prenatal acetaminophen medication affects offspring´s immunity
KFO Project 7 Eva Tolosa
Mechanism of prenatal glucocorticoid-induced changes on the offspring´s immune system
KFO Project 8 Nico Gagliani, Stefan Bonn
Maternal obesity and diet during pregnancy, it´s effect on the function on maternal TH17 and Treg cells and offspring health
KFO Project 9 Felix Stahl, Wolfram Brune
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
KFO PRINCE Anke Diemert
Prenatal Identificaton of Children´s Health
LFF Project 1 Thomas Jacobs, Jürgen May
Consequences of placental malaria on the immune developement of the child
LFF Project 2 Anke Diemert, Viacheslav Nicolaev, Tanja Zeller
Investigation of cardiovascular risk in pregnancy
LFF Project 3 Jörg Heeren
Immunometabolic consequences of obesity and nutrition on adipose tissue function in pregnant woman and their offspring
LFF Project 4
Madeleine Bunders Influence of maternal stressors on infant intestinal health
LFF Project 5 Petra Arck, lleana Hanganu-Opatz, Brigitte Röder
Modulation and immunological and neuronal mechanisms of fetal neurocognitive programming of neurocognitive performance
LFF Project 6 Petra Arck, Stefan Bonn
Systems biology analyses of birth cohort data, data management and data sharing