Welcome to the Institute of Pathology

Employing more than 130 staff and dealing with over 75,000 cases a year, the UKE Institute of Pathology is one of the biggest university pathology departments in Germany. The institute has the expertise to deal with a broad spectrum of entities with physicians specialized in pathology at a standard befitting a big university. We have special expertise in uropathology, gynecopathology, mammopathology, gastropathology, dermatopathology, nephropathology, osteopathology, paidopathology, zytology and pathology of the soft tissues, liver and ENT tumors.

Cutting-edge molecular pathological diagnostics, joint research with national and international partners and the opportunities for graduates to work on PhD dissertations and habilitation (the latter a prerequisite for professorships in Germany) underline the department’s expertise and academic standing.